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Preferences and Characteristics of Disabled Groups

Tourism Culture: Preferences and Characteristics of Disabled Groups
Article Author: Nurul Hashilah (Student Master of Tourism Study UGM)


BMWA (in Berthold , 2005) reveals that around 37% of people are from the disability group avoid activity travel. Group disability entitled For travel And treated fairly including in the aspects of security and comfort. it has contained in Article 5 of Law No. 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism, that the implementation of tourism needs to fulfill the principle of balanced relations between humans, uphold human rights, and implement justice and equality. Another article Which speak about right travel that is chapter 19, 20, specifically chapter 21 about fulfillment facility for group traveler disability . Based on details chapter the can understood that sector tourist need adapt with need traveler including the disability group.

The lack of participation of groups with disabilities in traveling is also caused by the lack of participation infrastructure Which can accessed as well as system provision service inclusive Which not enough adequate (Small & Darcy in Elfrida & Noviyanti, 2019). Therefore, it’s important to learn the culture of traveling with disabilities groups . Studies on disability in the sector So far, tourism has focused more on the completeness of facilities and accessibility. However, knowing the interests, preferences, even the characteristics of the disability group is also important For studied for mapping culture travel on the group.

Based on issue Which has exposed in on so important For study culture travel disability group . This article aims to take a deeper look at this issue based on preferences and characteristics of groups with disabilities in travel. which method used in this article is a literature study. The author collects several sources reading Which loaded in journal And book as reference writing framework theory, as well as page news on line as issue analysis latest about travel activities disability group .


Culture covers whole pattern behavior And attitude Which related with knowledge knowledge as well as become element from something habit Which used as tool communication by a group of people ( Linton in Muchtar, et al. 2016). Culture too can be interpreted as the whole of human knowledge that can be utilized for see, know, and understand the conditions and experiences that occur in the environment around (Suparlan). One of the characteristics of culture is emphasizing symbol-based patterns contain meaning certain ( Herusatato in Agustianto, 2011).

Traveling is an activity carried out to fulfill desires and achieve the desired goals, both psychologically and physically. Travel can also be interpreted as a fun activity to take advantage of free time ( Clawson and Knech ; Brockman ; in Azhari, 2017). Fandeli (in Azhari, 2017) suggests that there are driving factors and pulling factors for someone to travel. Push factor or push Factors can be reasons that make someone want to be separated from their daily routine. While the pull factor, or pull factor in the form of the availability of tourist attractions in an interesting tourist destination to visit.

Disabilities are any person who has physical limitations, thinking, mental, and sensory abilities which result in difficulties in participating actively and effectively in activities (U U No.8 of 2016). Based on U.U Article 4 states that the variety of disabilities includes persons with physical, intellectual, mental and/or sensory disabilities . Limited conditions are not only obtained from birth, but can be experienced from various events such as accidents and disasters that cause disruption of function to move. Types of persons with disabilities can be in the form of physical disabilities , mental disabilities , and multiple disabilities ( Reefani in spa-pabk.kemenpppa.go.id, 2019).

Preference Group Disabilities in travel

disabled groups to travel are carried out by the government Regency Kulonprogo with organize activity Famtrip disabled. Activity followed by persons with disabilities in the form of blind, mentally retarded, deaf, mute, and quadriplegic. The tourist destinations visited included nature, art, and tourism culture, as well as creative industry centers in the Kulonprogo region . the activity not only filled with tours, but the Kulonprogo government invites participants activity Famtrip disabled For discuss And give input related condition in each – respectively tourist attraction (Dewantara, 2022).

Activity the Good For grow interest And preference traveler disability beside For mapping And drafting strategy development destination tour. Based on the documentation of activities published on the news page, it shows that disabled famtrip participants have an interest in tourist attractions that involve unique experience , like batik, process leaf tea, as well as make jamu traditional. Tourists with disabilities are also interested in cultural tourism that elevates local wisdom potential. The tourists who come from Special Schools (SLB) admit that this is the first time they have traveled with active participation amid the limitations they have. This is expected to form a culture of travel for groups with disabilities .

Disability groups have an interest in educational tourism. This is evidenced by the writing that was published on the Poskota Lampung news page (2022). Concern was also shown by the UPTD for Social Services and Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities , the Lampung Provincial Social Service. Efforts were made to foster interest in traveling by groups with disabilities , by inviting these groups to travel to the Lembah Hijau Tourist Park and Wildlife Park. Tourists with visual impairments and speech impairments are invited to experience touching the bodies of animals, feeling the atmosphere, and hearing the sounds of animals in these attractions. All tourists show enthusiastic and happy expressions in enjoying the educational tourism activities provided.

Based on the two case studies above, there is a preference for tourists with disabilities , including interest in tourist attractions that involve uniqueness experiences . This shows that it is important to involve the active participation of groups with disabilities in traveling. Tourist groups also have an interest in cultural tourism activities and educational tourism which are carried out in the open so that they can interact directly with the surrounding environment and enjoy the natural atmosphere.

Group Characteristics _ Disabilities in Tourism

Dewantara (2022) explained that groups with disabilities travel in groups and are accompanied by guides and special companions for the disabled. It aims to assist persons with disabilities in traveling amidst their limitations. Based on the case study presented by Dewantara (2022), groups with disabilities want to be treated equally and feel empowered, so they need to be freed to explore their curiosity while traveling even though accompanied by assistance.

The characteristics of tourists in the disability group are also found in their high curiosity and curiosity, the desire to try new things, and to be honest in expressing their travel experiences. This is illustrated by the tourism activities of the disabled group at the Lembah Hijau Lampung Tourism Park and Wildlife Park.

Based on the two characteristics shown in the case study, it can be seen that the disabled group has unique characteristics in traveling. These characteristics are groups with disabilities traveling in groups, accompanied by guides or companions, wanting to be treated as equals and feeling empowered, having high curiosity and curiosity, wanting to try new things, and being honest in expressing their travel experiences.


The tourism culture of the disability group is divided into the preferences and characteristics of disabled tourists . In the aspect of preference for the disabled group in traveling, they are interested in tourist attractions that involve uniqueness experience , themed cultural tourism, as well as educational tourism. Whereas in terms of the characteristics of groups with disabilities in traveling, namely traveling in groups, accompanied by guides or companions, wanting to be treated as equals and feeling empowered, having high curiosity and curiosity, wanting to try new things, and being honest in expressing their travel experiences. owned.




Agustianto. (2011). Makna Simbol dalam Kebudayaan Manusia. Jurnal Ilmu Budaya, Vol. 8 No.1, Page: 1-63. https://media.neliti.com/media/publications/98401-ID-makna- simbol-dalam-kebudayaan-manusia.pdf

Azhari, A.K. (2017). Kolaborasi dan Kerja Sama Pengelolaan Obyek Wisata Alam: Kendala dan Prospeknya di Era Otonomi Daerah. Journal of Tourism and Creativity, Vol. 1, No. 2. Pp: 121-140.

Dewantara, J.R. (2022). Asyiknya Para Penyandang Disabilitas Ikut Tur Wisata Keliling Kulon Progo. https://www.detik.com/jateng/wisata/d-6147603/asyiknya-para-penyandang- disabilitas-ikut-tur-wisata-keliling-kulon-progo

Elfrida, T. dan Noviyanti, D.E. (2019). Difa City Tour dan Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Wisata Difabel. Jurnal Inklusi, Vol. 6 No. 1. Pp. 25-46. KemenPPPA RI. (2019). Pengertian, Jenis dan Hak Penyandang Disabilitas. https://spa- pabk.kemenpppa.go.id/index.php/perlindungan-khusus/anak-penyandang-disabilitas/723-penyandang-disabilitas

Muchtar, K., Koswara, I., dan Setiawan, A. (2016). Komunikasi Antar Budaya dalam Perspektif Antropologi. Jurnal Manajemen Komunikasi. Vol. 1, No. 1. Pp. 113-124.

Poskota Lampung. (2022). Taman Wisata Lembah Hijau Ajak Penyandang Disabilitas Wisata https://lampung.poskota.co.id/2022/07/07/taman-wisata-lembah-hijau-ajak- penyandang-disabilitas-wisata?halaman=2

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